Raleigh Motus electric hybrid bike In Stock Now

Take your cycling to the next level with a Bosch motor-powered Motus hybrid electric bike. Power-assisted pedalling makes riding a breeze, whether you’re shopping or exploring the city! This is a step-through frame and so easy to mount and dismount, it also makes an ideal 'partner' bike for a family outing when paired with our electric Urban Arrow ---which carries 1 adult + 2 children --- so a total of 4 people between the two bikes.

Use the power assist to help you over sharp inclines or tough hills, and get a boost whenever you need it. Find smoother handling thanks to the hydraulic disc brake systems and monitor your progress and battery level on the Bosch handlebar display.

The bike comes with lock, panniers and integrated lights.

This is an 18" frame which Raleigh states is for 5' upwards.